Using Orianna

Orianna is a feature-rich framework for working with Riot API data. When used out-of-the-box, Orianna pulls data from the Riot API (Static Data comes from DataDragon) and caches it in-memory behind the scenes. Just ask for the data you want and caching is handled automatically. You can also configure Orianna to use a different cache, database, or combination of caches and databases. It can also be configured to pull data from sources other than the Riot API or DataDragon. See the configuration documentation for more information on how to do this.

Orianna APIs

There are two top-level APIs for accessing data with Orianna. Both use Fluent APIs to define the parameters for API requests. The two APIs get the same data, but they look a little different. Here’s an example:

  • Data API: Summoner.named("FatalElement").withRegion(Region.NORTH_AMERICA).get()
  • Orianna API: Orianna.summonerNamed("FatalElement").withRegion(Region.NORTH_AMERICA).get()